TypeScript for Beginner Programmers

· By Shu Uesugi (@chibicode)

TypeScript Generics for People Who Gave Up on Understanding Generics

Hello! I write tutorials to help beginner programmers learn TypeScript. My tutorials might NOT be as useful for experienced programmers learning TypeScript.

Why target beginner programmers? As TypeScript is becoming popular, more beginner programmers will be learning it. However, I noticed that many existing tutorials are not so friendly for beginner programmers. This is my attempt to offer a friendlier alternative.

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TypeScript Generics Too Hard?

// Confused by generics code like this?
function makePair<
F extends number | string,
S extends boolean | F

If you’re (1) new to TypeScript, (2) new to generics, and (3) struggling to understand generics, then you’re exactly like me when I was learning Java 13 years ago.

Like TypeScript, the Java programming language supports generics. When I was studying Java in college, I was a beginner programmer, and generics felt very difficult to me. So I gave up on understanding generics at the time and used them without knowing what I was doing. I didn’t understand generics until I got a full time job after college.

I gave up on understanding generics when I was learning Java 13 years ago

Maybe you’re like me from 13 years ago and have felt that TypeScript generics are too difficult. If so, this tutorial is for you! I’ll try to help you actually understand generics.

Side Note

If you already understand generics, you won’t find anything new in this tutorial. However, you might know someone (maybe one of your Twitter followers) who’s struggling with generics. I’d appreciate it if you could share this article with them. You can click here to tweet this article.

The source code for this site is on GitHub:

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Let’s talk about makeState()

First, I created a function called makeState() below. We’ll use this function to talk about generics.

function makeState() {
let state: number
function getState() {
return state
function setState(x: number) {
state = x
return { getState, setState }

When you run makeState(), it returns two functions: getState() and setState(). You can use these functions to set and get the variable called state.

Let’s try it out! What gets printed out to the console when you run the following code? Try to guess first, and then press the Run button.

const { getState, setState } = makeState()

↑ Press this button!

It printed 1, then 2. Pretty simple, right?

Side Note

If you’ve used React, you might have realized that makeState() is similar to the useState() hook.

Confused? Some people might be wondering: “Why do we have functions inside another function?” or “What’s the { getState, setState } syntax?” If so, click here for more explanation.

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What if we use a string?

Now, instead of numbers like 1 or 2, what happens if we use a string like 'foo'? Try to guess first, and then press the Compile button.

const { getState, setState } = makeState()
// What happens if we use a string instead?

It failed to compile because setState() expects a number:

function makeState() {
let state: number
function getState() {
return state
// setState() expects a number
function setState(x: number) {
state = x
return { getState, setState }

To fix this, we can change the type of state and x from number to string:

function makeState() {
// Change to string
let state: string
function getState() {
return state
// Accepts a string
function setState(x: string) {
state = x
return { getState, setState }

It’ll now work! Press Run .

const { getState, setState } = makeState()
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Challenge: Two different states

Now that we got the basics down, here’s a challenge for you:

Question: Can we modify makeState() such that, it can create two different states: one that only allows numbers, and the other that only allows strings?

Here’s what I mean:

// We want to modify makeState() to support
// creating two different states:
// One that only allows numbers, and…
const numState = makeState()
console.log(numState.getState()) // 1
// The other that only allows strings.
const strState = makeState()
console.log(strState.getState()) // foo

Earlier, our first makeState() created number-only states, and our second makeState() created string-only states. However, it couldn’t create both number-only states and string-only states.

How can we modify makeState() to achieve our goal?

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Attempt 1: Does this work?

Here’s the first attempt. Does this work?

function makeState() {
let state: number | string
function getState() {
return state
function setState(x: number | string) {
state = x
return { getState, setState }

This does NOT work. You’ll end up creating a state that allows both numbers and strings, which is not what we want. Instead, we want makeState() to support creating two different states: one that allows only numbers, and the other that allows only strings.

// Doesn't work because the created state…
const numAndStrState = makeState()
// Allows both numbers…
// And strings.
// This is NOT what we want. We want to create
// a number-only state and a string-only state.
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Attempt 2: Use generics

This is where generics come in. Take a look below:

function makeState<S>() {
let state: S
function getState() {
return state
function setState(x: S) {
state = x
return { getState, setState }

makeState() is now defined as makeState<S>(). You can think of <S> as another thing that you have to pass in when you call the function. But instead of passing a value, you pass a type to it.

For example, you can pass the type number as S when you call makeState():

// It sets S as number

Then, inside the function definition of makeState(), S will become number:

// In the function definition of makeState()
let state: S // <- number
function setState(x: S /* <- number */) {
state = x

Because state will be number and setState will only take number, it creates a number-only state.

// Creates a number-only state
const numState = makeState<number>()
// numState.setState('foo') will fail!

On the other hand, to create a string-only state, you can pass string as S when you call makeState():

// Creates a string-only state
const strState = makeState<string>()
// strState.setState(1) will fail!

Note: We call makeState<S>() a “generic function” because it’s literally generic—you have a choice to make it number-only or string-only. And you know it’s a generic function if it takes a type parameter.

makeState<S>() is a generic function
function makeState<S>() {
let state: S
function getState() {
return state
function setState(x: S) {
state = x
return { getState, setState }

Side Note

You might be wondering: Why did we name the type parameter as “S”?

Answer: It could actually be any name, but usually people use the first letter of a word that describes what the type is representing. In this case, I chose “S” because it’s describing the type of a “S”tate. The following names are also common:

  • T (for “T”ype)
  • E (for “E”lement)
  • K (for “K”ey)
  • V (for “V”alue)
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Problem: You can create a boolean state!

But wait a minute: If you pass boolean to S, you can create a boolean-only state.

// Creates a boolean-only state
const boolState = makeState<boolean>()

Maybe we might NOT want this to be allowed. Suppose that don’t want makeState() to be able to create non-number or non-string states (like boolean). How can we ensure this?

How can we prevent makeState() from
creating non-number or non-string states?

The solution: When you declare makeState(), you change the type parameter <S> to <S extends number | string>. That’s the only change you need to make.

function makeState<S extends number | string>()

By doing this, when you call makeState(), you’d only be able to pass number, string, or any other type that extends either number or string as S.

Let’s see what happens now when you try to pass boolean as S. Press Compile below.

function makeState<
S extends number | string
>() {
let state: S
function getState() {
return state
function setState(x: S) {
state = x
return { getState, setState }
// What happens if we now pass boolean to S?
const boolState = makeState<boolean>()

It resulted in an error, which is what we want! We have successfully prevented makeState() from creating non-number or non-string states.

As you just saw, you can specify what’s allowed for the type parameter(s) of a generic function.

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Default type

It can be annoying to specify types like <number> or <string> every time you call makeState().

So here’s an idea: Can we make it so that <number> is thedefault type parameter of makeState()? We want to make it so that, if S is unspecified, it’s set as number by default.

// Can we make it so that, <number> is the
// default type paramter of makeState()?
// We want these two statements to be equivalent
const numState1 = makeState()
const numState2 = makeState<number>()

To make this happen, we can specify the default type of S by adding = number at the end. It’s kind of like setting default values for regular function parameters, right?

// Set the default type of S as number
function makeState<
S extends number | string = number

By doing this, you can create a number-only state without specifying the type:

// Don’t need to use <number>
const numState = makeState()
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Quick recap: Just like regular function parameters

We are about two-thirds of the way through this article. Before we continue, let’s do a quick recap.

What you should remember is that generics are just like regular function parameters. The difference is that regular function parameters deal with values, but generics deal with type parameters.

Example 1: For example, here’s a regular function that takes any value:

// Declare a regular function
function regularFunc(x: any) {
// You can use x here
// Call it: x will be 1

Similarly, you can declare a generic function with a type parameter:

// Declare a generic function
function genericFunc<T>() {
// You can use T here
// Call it: T will be number

Example 2: In regular functions, you can specify the type of a parameter like this:

// Specify x to be number
function regularFunc(x: number)
// Success
// Error

Similarly, you can specify what’s allowed for the type parameter of a generic function:

// Limits the type of T
function genericFunc<T extends number>()
// Success
// Error

Example 3: In regular functions, you can specify the default value of a parameter like this:

// Set the default value of x
function regularFunc(x = 2)
// x will be 2 inside the function

Similarly, you can specify the default type for a generic function:

// Set the default type of T
function genericFunc<T = number>()
// T will be number inside the function

Generics are not scary. They’re like regular function parameters, but instead of values, it deals with types. If you understood this much, you’re good to go!

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Let’s talk about makePair

Let’s take a look at the new function called makePair(). It’s similar to makeState(), but instead of storing a single value, this one stores a pair of values as { first: ?, second: ? }. Right now, it only supports numbers.

function makePair() {
// Stores a pair of values
let pair: { first: number; second: number }
function getPair() {
return pair
// Stores x as first and y as second
function setPair(x: number, y: number) {
pair = {
first: x,
second: y
return { getPair, setPair }

Let’s try it out! What gets printed out to the console when you run the following code? Try to guess first, and then press the Run button.

const { getPair, setPair } = makePair()
setPair(1, 2)
setPair(3, 4)

Now, just as we did for makeState(), let’s turn makePair() into a generic function.

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Generic makePair

Here’s a generic version of makePair.

  • It takes two type parameters F and S (for “F”irst and “S”econd).
  • The type of first will be F.
  • The type of second will be S.
function makePair<F, S>() {
let pair: { first: F; second: S }
function getPair() {
return pair
function setPair(x: F, y: S) {
pair = {
first: x,
second: y
return { getPair, setPair }

Here’s an example usage. By calling makePair with <number, string>, it forces first to be number and second to be string.

// Creates a (number, string) pair
const { getPair, setPair } = makePair<
// Must pass (number, string)
setPair(1, 'hello')

To summarize, you can create a generic function that takes multiple type parameters.

// makeState() has 1 type parameter
function makeState<S>()
// makePair() has 2 type parameters
function makePair<F, S>()

Of course, you can also use the extends keyword or default types like before:

function makePair<
F extends number | string = number,
S extends number | string = number

You can even make the second type (S) to be related to the first type (F). Here’s an example:

// The second parameter S must be either
// boolean or whatever was specified for F
function makePair<
F extends number | string,
S extends boolean | F
// These will work
makePair<number, boolean>()
makePair<number, number>()
makePair<string, boolean>()
makePair<string, string>()
// This will fail because the second
// parameter must extend boolean | number,
// but instead it’s string
makePair<number, string>()
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Generic interfaces and type aliases

Let’s go back to our previous implementation of makePair(). Now, take a look at the type of pair:

function makePair<F, S>() {
let pair: { first: F; second: S }
// ...

This works as is, but if we want to, we can refactor { first: F, second: S } into an interface or a type alias so it can be reused.

Let’s first extract the type of pair into a generic interface. I’ll use A and B as type parameter names to distinguish them from the type parameters of makePair().

// Extract into a generic interface
// to make it reusable
interface Pair<A, B> {
first: A
second: B

We can then use this interface to declare the type for pair.

function makePair<F, S>() {
// Usage: Pass F for A and S for B
let pair: Pair<F, S>
// ...

By extracting into a generic interface (an interface that takes type parameters), we can reuse it in other places if necessary.

Alternatively, we can extract it into a generic type alias. For object types, type aliases are basically identical to interfaces, so you can use whichever one you prefer.

// Extract into a generic type alias. It’s
// basically identical to using an interface
type Pair<A, B> = {
first: A
second: B

To summarize, you can create generic interfaces and type aliases, just as you can create generic functions.

Side Note

To learn more about interfaces v.s. type aliases, read this StackOverflow answer. As of TypeScript 3.7, which added a support for recursive type aliases, type aliases can cover pretty much all of the use cases of interfaces.

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Generic classes

The last thing we’ll cover is generic classes. First, let’s revisit the code for makeState(). This is the generic version that doesn’t use extends or default type parameters.

Let’s revisit makeState()
function makeState<S>() {
let state: S
function getState() {
return state
function setState(x: S) {
state = x
return { getState, setState }

We can turn makeState() into a generic class called State like below. It looks similar to makeState(), right?

class State<S> {
state: S
getState() {
return this.state
setState(x: S) {
this.state = x

To use this, you just need to pass a type parameter on initialization.

// Pass a type parameter on initialization
const numState = new State<number>()
// Prints 1

To summarize, generic classes are just like generic functions. Generic functions take a type parameter when we call them, but generic classes take a type parameter when we instantiate them.

Side Note

You need to set "strictPropertyInitialization": false on TypeScript config (tsconfig.json) to get the above code to compile.

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That’s all you need to know!

Thanks for reading! That’s all you need to know about generics in TypeScript. Hope I made generics less scary to you.

If you’d like me to write about some other topics on TypeScript, or if you have feedback, please let me know on Twitter at @chibicode.

The source code for this site is on GitHub:

Side Note

About the author: I’m Shu Uesugi, a software engineer. The most recent TypeScript project I worked on is an interactive computer science course called “Y Combinator for Non-programmers”.

You can learn more about me on my personal website. My email is shu@chibicode.com.

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